God's Strength for Your Weak Areas

Do you ever feel too weak to obey God in certain areas of life? I sure do! There are places in my life where I just can't seem to make progress, no matter how hard I try. My discipline wavers, impatience flares up, and I end up discouraged.

But the church in Philadelphia felt weak too. They were small, insignificant, and lacked influence in the world. Yet Revelation 3 commends them for relying on Christ's strength to follow Him faithfully.

When we are honest about our limitations and turn to God for empowerment, suddenly obedience becomes possible. Jesus told Paul, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9). God's strength shines brightly against the backdrop of our insufficiency.

What are your weak areas? Where do you desperately need God's power to help you obey and honor Him? Ask Him to strengthen you in those places today. Admit that you can't do this on your own. His Spirit will infuse you with supernatural energy to follow Him. Our weakness provides the very opportunity for God's strength to be revealed. Lean into Him!